2016-2017 NCPTSA
A directory of businesses that have supported Norterra Canyon School and Norterra Canyon PTSA through their registering for this directory, their financial sponsorship or their donation of materials, time or services. We appreciate these businesses and encourage their patronage.
For information regarding how your business might be included in this directory, please contact Norterra Canyon PTSA directly at: info.ncptsa@gmail.com
Catspit Productions
- Screen Printing Equipment & Supplies
- www.catspitscreenprintsupply.com
- 4219 South 37th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85040
- (480)899-9089
Charity Benefits Unlimited
- Auction Fundraising and Memorabilia Organization
- www.cbuauctions.com
- 15849 N. 77th St. #1 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
- (480) 483-0525
Desert Hockey Development
- Non-Profit Youth Outreach Program
- www.deserthockey.org
- 29043 N 59th St, Cave Creek, AZ 85331
- (623) 738-6523
Marc Sapp Group
- Real Estate
- www.marcsapp.com
- 2005 W. Happy Valley Rd. Ste. 150 Phoenix, AZ 85085
- (602) 214.7049
Metro Tint, Inc.
- Commercial & Residential WindowTinting, Custom Graphics
- www.metrotint.com
- 5205 W. Montebello Ave. Suite A-3 Glendale, AZ 85301
- (602) 589-5385
Shelley Sakala Real Estate
- Real Estate
- www.shelleysakala.com
- 602-421-2324
West Coast Plumbing and Air
- Licensed Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing Company
- www.westcoastplumbingandair.com
- 320 West Lone Cactus Dr., Ste 4 Phoenix, AZ85027
- 623-582-1117
Whipple’s Fun Center (opening Summer 2016)
- Family fun center
- www.whipplesfuncenter.com
- 1510 E Bell Rd Phoenix, Arizona